Friday, December 14, 2012

Affordable Housing Project

Description: This project is a Habitat For Humanity house for the Grote famlily in Noblesville, IN. This family has two adults and two kids. The house contains three bedrooms. The Habitat for humanity guidelines describe that if you have 3 bedrooms you're required to have 1 and a half bathrooms. I encorperated 3 sky lights and also EnergyStar appliances. Steve Grote mentioned a couple of features he would want for his house, such as; a deck, sliding doors, and a master bathroom. As the architect, I had to explain the Habitat for Humanity guidelines and decide which features would work. I decided that a patio would be more sufficient than a deck. I had to stay within the 1070 square feet limit. To save space, I made a judgement call to join together the dining, living, and kitchen areas. All in all, Mr. Grote and I were able to create a succesful house design.

Bubble Diagram:

Site Plan:


Dimensioned Floor Plan:


Wall sections with Labels:

Window and Door Schedule:

Room Schedule:

Electrical Plan:

Plumbing Plan:

 Water Supply: I found, based on the distance from the water source and pipes, that the expected water pressure in the house will be 44.51 psi. This is within the residential limits, so no pump or valve is needed.

Strom Water Runoff:

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Green Building and Sustainable Design

1.    Rainfall falls on most parcels of property throughout the world. Describe one method that could be used to collect this natural resource.
A main method used to collect this natural resource is the use of rain barrels. Rain barrels or rain tanks, are placed under gutters or dranage pipes. This allows the tanks to fill with water that can be used for everyday water activities.

2.  Describe an innovative construction method or technique that benefits the environment.
An innovation in the construction method that could benefit the evironment, is adobe. Adobe is made from available soil and it is inexpensive and energy-efficient. A sustainable material, it has little impact on the environment and uses little or none of the planet's finite resources like fossil fuels.

3.   During the construction cycle of the building, materials and components are delivered to the site. List a strategy that you will use to recycle the waste produced during the construction phase. 
The main strategy for elimintaing waste on ocnstruction sites would be to reuse all easily reusable materials such as, doors, windows, or other common materials. Recycleable materials should be recycled on a future project or sold to other projects looking for recylcled materials.

4.  Energy use is high in commercial buildings. What might a designer do to reduce energy consumption in a building?
A designer could use building techniques in order to make a greater enegy-efficient building. They could use the technique of sky lights in order to produce more heat in the building. Also other techniques can bemore obvious like shutting off all lights and other electronics when not in use in order to decrease the electric bill.
Website: http//

5.   Building sites offer natural resources that can be utilized for the life of the building. Describe a method to use a site’s natural resources in the construction of the structure.        
A main way to include natural resources into a building would be using the sun. The sun is one of the most abundent natural resources and is great for heat. Creating large windows or sky lights on a home will allow more sun to enter the house, thus lowering the heat cost of the home.
Website: _


1.    Describe an original green and sustainable idea that you have. Choose one that is not currently in use as far as you know. An idea that I thought of during the rainy season is collecting rain off my pool cover. During the past couple of rainy days, my pool has collected a lot of water. If I could find a way to effeiently collect the water from the cover, it could save money

2.    Describe an improvement that you believe could be made to the building where you live. Describe why it is an improvement.
I believe the use of solar panels would be smart at my house, because we heat our house along with our barn and pool. So if we could capture some of the free power from the sun it could lower costs.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

1.2.1 Interview Questions

1.    What is your age?
My age is 27.

2.    Where do you live?
I live in Oakland, California in a middle class house near the ocean.

3.    What do you like to do outside of work?
I enjoy spending time with my family. I also enjoy watching and paricipating in recreational sports.

4.    What is your job title?
Environmental Engineer

5.    When and why did you choose your career path?
I made the decesion to narrow my feild into Environmental Engineering in my second year of college at The Georgia Institute of Technology. I chose this feild because of my love for nature and my strong will to preserve its inhabitants.

6.    What is the name of your company or employer?
I am the Environmental Engineer of Ecology and environment inc. in Oakland, California.

7.    Describe your primary duties and skills. [Cite your source(s)]
I manage numerous small and large projects with very short planning horizons. I also support both engineering and non-engineering projects including site investigations, and remedial designs. I provide project directing and coordination in a multi-office environment. In addition, I prepare and review technical documents, reports, and proposals.

8.    Describe your physical work environment.
My physical work environment varies during each project. When i am creating technical documents or planning out a design with co-workers, I am likely to be in my office. On the other hand, if i am managing a large project or supervising a construction plan, i may be out in the feild.

9.    What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part about my job is designing structures that eventually can improve the surroundings and create a better environment.

10. What is your salary? [Cite your source(s)]
75,280 dollars a year

11. Which accredited school did you first attend, and what was your degree? [Cite your source(s)]
I attended Georgia Tech School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. My degree was Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (MSEnvE)

12. Describe in detail three of the courses that you took which are closely related to your current career. [Cite your source(s)]
CEE6350 - Adv Environmental Chem - (3-0-3) Chemical behavior of inorganic and organic compounds in natural waters. Topics include chemistry of metal ions, partitioning and distribution of organic pollutants, surface reactions.
CEE6310 - Process Principles-EnvE - (3-0-3) Principles that can be used in the analysis and modeling of environmental engineering processes, including material and energy balances, mass transfer, and reaction engineering.
CEE6355 - Industrial Ecology-EnvE - (3-0-3) Introduces the principles of environmentally conscious products, processes, and manufacturing systems.

13. Describe the two courses that you considered most challenging. [Cite your source(s) and include a course listing from the appropriate degree program]
CEE6312 - Chemical Principles-EnvE - (3-0-3) Fundamental principles of chemical equilibria and environmental organic chemistry in dilute aqueous systems with emphasis on chemical speciation and environmental engineering applications.
CEE6751 - Phys Prop&Rheology-Rocks - (2-3-3) Structure, properties, and rheology of minerals and rocks with applications to engineering structures and natural phenomena in the Earth. Fundamentals of rock mechanics and crack propagation. Crosslisted with EAS 6751.

14. What resources did your school have available to help you get through the most difficult courses? [Cite your source(s)]
My school had many sucessful professers and researchers. There is a very large variety of proffesionals within the topic of Environmental Engineering, which allows for people to consult abnout questions in any topic.

15. Regarding the two most challenging courses, how did you persevere?
During the tough courses i faced at Georgia Tech, if i had trouble, i used my many teachers and professors to help guide me through hard times.

16. From what school(s) did you receive graduate degrees? [Cite your source(s)]
Gergia Tech School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. I recieved a graduate degree.

17. What was the title or titles of the degree(s)? [Cite your source(s)]
Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (MSEnvE)

18.  What licenses do you have and what were the exams required to receive those licenses? [Cite your source(s)]
I have a California Professional Engineer license. I had to complete the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam.

19. How would your clients and co-workers describe you?
My co-workers and clients would describe me as a hard-working person. I am very punctual and make sure my work is done on time and to my greatest ability.

20. What do you hope to accomplish at the conclusion of your career?
I hope to start my own buisness of environmental engineering to help preserve the everglades.

21.  Why should a high school student consider a career in your field?  What important contribution(s) can they make?
You should consider a career in environmental engineering because of the significance it has on nature and structures that communities use everyday.

1.    You described a career related to civil engineering and/or architecture. Is this the career field that you are currently most interested in at this stage in your life?
No it is not. I would be more interested in structural engineering or just architecture.

2.    Rank and describe the three most important characteristics that you value in choosing a post-secondary school.
1.) The classes the school provides is very important because it is the main source of learning at the school.
2.) The next important thing in finding a secondary school is the professors and faculty. You need a staff that will help you on your journey and guide you.
3.) The cost of the school is also important because of financing.

3.    Rank the following in the order of importance to you regarding a career: job satisfaction; salary; making a difference; level of responsibility; titles; benefits; hours; co-workers; supervisors.  How will a career in civil engineering or architecture satisfy the factor that you ranked highest
Making a difference
Job satisfaction
Level of responsibilities
You can make a diffference by creating structures that will last and satisfy it's needs.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

1.1.2 Activity

1) Principle of design: Space

Justification: There is space shown in the gaps of the arches.

2) Principle of design: Balance

Justification: This structure shows balance because of its vertical symmetry

3) Principles of design: Contrast

Justifcation: There is contrast on this sturcture because of the giant white tower. This is emphasis because it is bigger and a different color then the rest of the building.

4) Principle of design: Movement

Justifictaion: This has movement because of the angle and color of the building. It gives it the appearence as if it were moving.

5) Principle of design: Emphasis

Justification: This piece is showing emphasis by having both sides of the piece slightly pointing to the middle where the main point of focus is.

6) Principle of design: Rhythm

Justification: This has rhythm because of the repitition of the roofs of the structure.

7) Principle of design: Unity

Justification: This house shows unity becasue of the consistant use of the materials and color of the house and roof.

8) Principle of design: Rhythm

Justification: This structure has rhythm because of the repeating arches and brick walls.

9) Principle of design: Balance

Justification: This room has balance because of the vertical symmetry

10) Principle of design: Unity

Justification : These homes have unity because of the consistant look of the house along with the similar colors.


1) The type of elements can help you tell the time period because of the materials and patterns used to create the structures.

2) If there would be a remake or reproduction of an older type of architecture, this could confuse you on the time period.

3) If a hotel or business shows emphasis or contrast on their building, it could attract more customers and sales.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Activity 1.1.1- Jordan

1.     Define civil engineering.
An engineer trained in the design of constrution at public works.

2.     Define architecture.
Art and science of desinging buildings for human habitation.

3.     Describe the origination of the concept of architecture?
Neolithic architecture is some of the oldest architecture recorded using stones and mud.

4.     In ancient times how were building materials chosen?
Whatever material that was avaliable to the area.  

5.     Give two examples of vernacular architecture.
One example would be the homes carved out of stone like Petra.
Another example are igloos because they use ice which is all they have to use.

6.     Name and describe the type of system used to create many early buildings.
Post and lintel systems were very popular. It was used as having two vertical blocks with a verticle block supporting on top.

7.     What was the purpose of the Egyptian pyramids? Mexican pyramids?
The pyramids were built for beliefs that your souls needeed a place to rest so they were built as rest places.
8.     What kind of construction method was used to build the Parthenon? Made a simple sketch to illustrate.
Post and lintel

9.     What problem in architecture led to this form of construction?
The needed an entrance to their structures

10. Explain how an arch is created.
Arch are created by stacking blocks in a curved way to eventually support eachother

11.  How is the vault used in civil engineering?
Vaults are used in the construction of bridges, walkways, and other design projects.

12.  Give an example of an arch and dome system.
Midle age gothic cathedrals

13.  Give an example of a modern material we have that was not available to the ancients. How did this restrict construction in ancient times?
Reinforced concrete is a material used now that wasnt used in the acient times. This material allows us to build our buildings very tall without collapsing.
14.  What was the purpose of the Roman aqueducts?
To provide water througout the city.

15.  Compare ancient Greek roads to ancient Roman roads.
Greek roads were designed for commerical needs, so they travels by rivers. Roman roads were built to travel armies so the would cross rivers and were much nicer roads then the Greek's.
16. Describe an ancient Roman bridge.
Roman bridges were some of the first supportable bridges. They were crafted with stone and used an arch type system.

17. How did building materials and methods change after the Romans?
Building methods were greatly changed because of the Romans. Romans introduced new ideas for roads, created domes, and brought creation to the vault.

1.     Give an example of a modern pyramid not shown in the presentation. How does its function differ from that of the Egyptian pyramids? What do you think accounts for this difference?
The is a Hard Rock Cafe shaped as a pyramid in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This pyramid functions differently the the eghyption pyramids because it is crafted as a pyramid to resemble the egyption pyramids. i think it is like this to seem unique and stand out.

2.     Give an example of a modern structure that uses an arch and dome system.
Football staidums use domes and archs.

3.     What is the main purpose of modern roads? How is the cost of modern roadways defrayed?
For travel around the country. Cost for roads is payed through modern taxes.